Madrid City Council offers an application that allows the user to know in real time the status of air quality in the city of Madrid.
The information is disseminated through quality indices, which allow to know, clearly, directly and quickly, the quality of the air we breathe, as well as through the numerical data recorded at each measurement point and for each contaminant.
This tool, hour by hour, is updated with data provided by the monitoring system of air quality of the City of Madrid.
Also, a prediction section includes, in which we know the expected Air Quality for today and tomorrow.
The "Econsultas" are a useful, practical and simple guide of ideas, advice and recommendations for the user aware of the importance of the air we breathe and can contribute, in their daily lives, improve air quality Madrid.
In the "Contaminants" section of the main information is presented legislated pollutants, their behavior is described and the legal limits are given.